The wearing of uniform indicates pride in personal appearance, acceptance of shared goals and support for the values Lampton School seeks to achieve. Uniform creates a sense of community.
Parents are asked to support the school in their efforts to maintain a high standard of dress by being aware of the uniform rules, ensuring appropriate clothing is bought when it is to be used for school and encouraging and maintaining their son / daughter in the dress code of the school. Parents should also ensure that all items are labelled with the child’s name.
If students forget their school bag, blazer or do not wear the correct shoes, trousers or skirt; they will be expected to wear the school issued uniform based in Student Services for the day. Failure to comply would represent a severe breach of the school behaviour policy.
The blazer, tie, school bag and PE kit may be purchased via School Bells. All other items can be purchased through a range of retailers, as long as the item purchased conforms to the standards outlined below.
Plain black, with school badge. Buttons should be black. The school blazer should be worn at all times around the site. In lessons, students may ask for the teacher’s permission to remove their blazer.
White shirt or blouse 
A plain white shirts or blouse must be tucked in at all times. Shirts must have a top button which should be fastened at all times.
Skirt or Trousers
Trousers and skirts must be plain black and be made of suitable material e.g. cotton or polyester (denim or stretchy fabrics including lycra are not acceptable, nor are ribbed, patterned or embroidered fabrics). If a student is wearing a skirt, the school’s regulation skirt must be worn, and it must be of appropriate length i.e. on the knee or below.
School tie. Available from the school. KS3 (Striped: Year 7-9) and KS4 (plain black with school crest: Year 10-11) ties should be worn as appropriate.
Starting from September 2023, each new cohort of students joining the school will have a different colour tie. For students who started Year 7 in September 2023, the tie will be black with a blue stripe. For students who start Year 7 in September 2024, the tie will be black with a purple stripe.
Black ‘V’ neck with school badge. (NB: It is not essential to wear a jumper but if a jumper is worn it must be a school jumper. Crew neck jumpers, sweatshirts or ’hoodies’ are not allowed). A school jumper is not a substitute for a blazer.
Plain black ‘slip ons’ or lace-up. No decoration (including coloured stitching/laces). Fashion boots or shoes with exaggerated heels or soles are unacceptable for health and safety reasons. Trainers are not to be worn in the school building or when entering or leaving school premises. Note that some footwear marketed as 'school shoes' may actually be trainers. If in doubt, please contact the school.
A medical certificate or note from a Doctor will be required to accompany any request not to wear school shoes. Trainers may be used for sporting activities in the playground at break and lunchtime, but must be changed before entry into the school buildings.
Outdoor coats
BLACK ONLY. No coloured jackets. Outside jackets should be at least of blazer length (i.e ‘Bomber’, ‘Puffer’ jackets or ‘Hoodies’ are not suitable.) Motifs on jackets are not allowed.
School Bag
A black rucksack (capacity - minimum 20L) is compulsory for all students. The bag should be able to comfortably hold all the exercise books, equipment and any packed lunch for the day ahead. Handbags, drawstring bags and pouches are not acceptable. If in doubt, check with your Head of Year.
Additional information
Shaved, patterned hair are extremes of fashion and as such are not acceptable. Any student with long hair must be prepared to tie back their hair for practical activities. The school will make the final decision as to whether a hairstyle is considered extreme.
Hats and caps (such as baseball caps) are not part of the uniform of the school. Inappropriate headwear will be confiscated, placed in a bag marked with the pupil’s name, and returned personally only to a parent or carer. Please note that balaclavas are a prohibited item under the school's Behaviour Policy, and as such will be confiscated and only returned to parents / carers.
Scarves / face coverings
Neck scarves may be worn in cold weather. They should be black in colour and made of wool or a similar material, with no visible logos. Scarves should not be worn over the face.
Surgical face masks or similar should only be worn where there is a medical need - students who wish to wear a surgical face masks should have a note provided by parents / carers.
Students may wear headscarves for the purpose of religious observation; headscarves must be plain black.
Make-up and nail varnish
Heavy make-up should not be worn, nor nail varnish. Pupils breaking this rule will have to remove makeup/nail varnish in Student Services.
Wearing acrylic or other 'fake nails' is not allowed for health and safety reasons, and students will be asked to remove these in Student Services.
For health and safety reasons, and to avoid the distress caused to individuals by loss or damage to personal property, jewellery may not be worn. The only exceptions are jewellery of accepted religious significance (such as the kara for Sikhs), a watch, or one pair of small ear studs (through the ear lobe) and / or a plain nose stud. Nose rings, bracelets, and necklaces are not allowed. Rings are not to be worn at school.
Any jewellery worn which does not conform to this rule will be confiscated and returned to the student in line with school policy.
Confiscated Items
Any items of clothing or jewellery that are outside of the school’s uniform policy will be returned at the discretion of the member of staff confiscating, up to the end of the term.
Items required for Physical Education lessons
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit for every lesson, all items that are listed below are required and apply to both boys and girls unless specified:
- Black sports top with the Lampton Crest
- White polo shirt with the Lampton Crest
- Black tracksuit trousers or shorts
- Sturdy lace up trainers
- Football boots
All items must be clearly marked with your child’s name.
2. Hair must be tied back and all jewellery (including any form of piercings) must be removed at the start of PE lessons. Therefore, please ensure that piercings are done at the start of the summer holidays to give time for the piercing to heal so that the nose stud or earrings can be taken out for PE lessons.
3. Headscarves must be securely tied with a closed ended pin as open pins pose a health and safety risk during all physical activities.
For further information, contact: lnewman@lamtpton.org.uk
Purchasing Uniform
School Bells sells our uniform please see document in the downloads section below and you can follow this link to their online store
If you require further information regarding the content of this web page please contact Mr Bates via enquiries@lampton.org.uk
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Lampton School Pricelist Covid 19 Update |
Uniform Policy Jun 22 |