Sensory &/or Physical Needs
Sensory and physical needs can include difficulties with:
Gross motor co-ordination
Fine motor co-ordination
Self-organisation for daily living
It includes conditions such as cerebral palsy, physical injury, dyspraxia
What does Lampton offer?
All students at Lampton can access
- Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEN practice)
- Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes.
- Amplification of sound for aid users.
- School adheres to guidelines on physical access.
- Whole-school BLP Programme (Building Learning Power) to encourage meta-cognitive learning.
- Access to homework support clubs listen here.
- Accelerated Reader Programme KS2 to KS3 transition support via tutor programme.
- Access to assessment for identification of significant needs.
- Dedicated and caring staff who value all students regardless of ability
Support for targeted groups of students may include
- Medical Care Plans.
- Handwriting /fine motor/keyboard skills training.
- Group discussions and information giving from our qualified school nurse.
- Access to assistive technology, software, audio digital books and IPod applications.
- Access to teaching assistant support.
Targeted individual support many include
- Personalised support plans.
- Access to a Mobility Officer.
- 1:1 Outside Agency support from Advisory Teachers.
- Individual handwriting /fine motor/keyboard skills training.
- Specialist equipment and materials, such as low vision aids and enlarged adapted resources.
- Access to assistive technology, software, audio digital books and IPod applications.
- Targeted TA support for complex medical needs, including practical support.
- Exam Access Arrangements.