Pastoral support for students
Key principles
The development of students’ character is of paramount importance – and the key goal of the pastoral system. It is through the pastoral system that our school’s values of Excellence, Integrity and Respect are made explicit and operationalised for our students.
We expect students to pursue excellence in all their endeavours, to act with integrity at all times, and be respectful to themselves, others and the wider world.
As a school, we actively plan opportunities through the curriculum and tutor time to ensure that students develop the knowledge, skills and positive traits of character that will enable them to be successful in the future. However, we also recognise that young people may also require individual guidance to help support students through difficult transition points – and it is through the pastoral system that we provide this.
The pastoral curriculum
Students character is developed both implicitly and explicitly. It is developed implicitly through the strength of relationships with staff: in daily interactions between staff and students we expect staff to model, guide and redirect students as necessary in order that they adhere to the school’s values.
Through tutor time, the whole school assembly programme, the PSHE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities that we aim to provide students with opportunities to reflect on issues affecting life in modern Britain; how to keep safe and how to make the most of career opportunities. It is through exposure to such issues that students gain insight into how they can stay true to their own values in difficult situations, to act with respect to others, and aspire for individual excellence.
In each year group students will have a different range of extra-curricular opportunities available. Students can access these opportunities via the relevant year group google page (via the school ICT network). Form tutors will also relay news and opportunities from the google pages each registration.
Individualised support
Form tutors play a key role in the development of students – helping to nurture, guide and support students through the challenges of school life. The form tutor should be the first person that students turn to for support; and can offer either offer advice on how to resolve the issue or refer onto the Head of Year.
Heads of Year oversee the provision of support for all students. Where a student is facing a difficulty in school and their needs are not being met, Heads of Year can refer onto a variety of other support – for example onto the Safeguarding team, SEND or careers advice for coaching, mentoring, counselling. (See links below)
For Safeguarding
For Careers
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