Homework is any activity which pupils are asked to do outside of lesson time, either on their own or with parents / carers. Homework is an important part of school life as it helps pupils develop their ability to work independently. It also helps consolidate and reinforce pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills and provides teachers with evidence of a pupil’s ability / progress
All subjects set 1 piece of homework per week except subjects that are timetabled for one period per week. They should set at least 1 piece of homework every 2 weeks. Homeworks should last for between 30-45 mins for KS3 pupils, between 45-60 mins for KS4 pupils and 60mins for each timetabled lesson for KS5 pupils.
Homework is set on Google Classroom but can be accessed by teachers, pupils and parents via the Satchel website.
A personalised homework calendar is available for all users including students and parents. Once they login, they can only see their own homework schedule. There are iPhone and Android apps available for free for students and parents.
Setting up a parent account on www.satchelone.com
Please follow these steps to create an account on www.satchelone.com. Parents need to obtain a code to create an account. They obtain this from their child (see below) or from the school by sending an email requesting a satchel parent code to enquiries@lampton.org.uk
- To obtain the parent code, the parents' child needs to login to https://www.satchelone.com/login using the “sign in with google” button. They then use their school google email which is the number they use to login to a school computer plus @lampton.org.uk. It will look something like 00001@lampton.org.uk. They then use the same password that they use when they login to a school computer. Instructions on how to do this can be found here (use the section on logging in using single sign in) https://help.satchelone.com/en/articles/2911888-logging-in-as-a-student
- Once the have logged into https://www.satchelone.com/ they should obtain the parent code. Instructions on how to do this can be found here (use the video in the section on obtaining a parent code via web browser): https://help.satchelone.com/en/articles/2912165-logging-in-as-a-parent
- Once a parent has the parent code, you should follow the instructions on how to log into https://www.satchelone.com/ as a parent. Instructions on how to do this can be found here (use the “sign up as a parent / guardian” section): https://help.satchelone.com/en/articles/2912165-logging-in-as-a-parent
Non-Completion of Homework
When homework has not been completed, or not been completed to an acceptable standard, the class teacher will place the student in ‘Homework Support’. A text message will be sent to the parent / carer to let them know when the homework support will be. The homework support will be for one hour after school on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. This will be supervised study in an ICT room. The student should then catch up with the work that they failed to produce, and this should be checked by the teacher in the next lesson.
If you require further information regarding the content of this web page please contact Mr Leggett via enquiries@lampton.org.uk