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Lampton School - Week 17
Posted on Jan 15th 2024
Monday 15th January
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Welcome to our newsletter for the second week of the Spring Term 2024. It’s Week B, so year assemblies are taking place - in particular with Y9 a focus on the Key Stage 4 Options process.
While this is a short half-term, it is incredibly busy. Y13 have already completed their Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) and this week sees workshops taking place in school for Y7 and Y8 on bullying and Y9 on the theme of toxic masculinity. It’s Y9 options evening on Wednesday the 17th from 5pm and on the horizon we have Parents’ Evenings for Y10 on Thursday 1st February and Y13 on Thursday 8th February. The half-term finishes for students on Thursday 8th February at 3:10pm with Friday 9th February being an INSET Day with the school closed to students.
It is good to hear how useful families are finding the SIMS app in supporting their child’s education. If you have yet to download it or have any questions, please contact the school via parentapp@lampton.org.uk
With best wishes for the week ahead,
Stephen Davis
NCS scheme for Year 11 students
This Friday Year 11 assembly will be led by representatives from the National Citizens Service (NCS). This government-funded programme arranges summer residentials for students of up to 5 days, at minimal cost to parents and carers. In our experience, students develop so much from the experience in terms of confidence and resilience - and many students come back to us telling us how it was the highlight of their summer. For more information, please visit the NCS website.
Safeguarding briefing: Female Genital Mutilation
FGM is child abuse, it happens all over the world, and can impact a girl or woman’s physical and emotional health, both in the short and long term. This short guide from Barnado’s has some important information for parents and carers who are worried that their child, or any other child may be at risk. If you would like support from the school, please contact the safeguarding team safeguarding@lampton.org.uk.
Options Evening for Year 9 Parents
A reminder that this Wednesday we are expecting to see all parents and carers of Year 9 students in the school hall for our annual options evening. The event will start promptly at 5pm. As space is limited in the hall, we kindly ask that only one parent or carer attends from each household. All attendees will receive an options booklet with subject information and we encourage further discussion at home before completing the options form. All students will also have an options interview with a member of SLT.
Parent Trustee Vacancy
We currently have a vacancy for a parent trustee. If you would like to know more about the role of the parent trustee, please click here. If you are interested in applying for the role, please click here for further information.
Y12 Industrial Cadets Engineering Workshop
Last week, 6 Y12 students attended a two day workshop at UCL Engineering department to work on their project using the university facilities and mentors. The team worked flawlessly to produce a working model of their project, a system to securely transport documents from A to B. The students showed the best of Lampton, displaying excellence, respect and integrity, along with amazing work ethic and attitude.
National Obesity Awareness Week
Healthy Hounslow is a council initiative to support families in leading active, happy and healthy lives. It features games, tasty recipes and tips for creating lasting positive habits. Please see this information leaflet for more details.
Lampton is a Reading School |
As you know at Lampton we pride ourselves on being a reading school. We read for pleasure everyday. Students at Lampton from year 7 until 13 are required to bring a reading book with them everyday - they will read it during registration, where we set aside time for just this purpose. The reasons are simple. Those that read better, do better. Not just in English but all subjects. Reading improves your vocabulary, your ability to discuss and cognitive response. So when you read, your maths gets better too! The other great thing about reading is that it can take you to a new world, where adventures await. Starting the day by reading is a great antidote to stress and from the students’ point of view, nearly the only time that they get to choose what they do at school! Stormzy put it best when he said “There is nothing more phenomenal than being well-read”, and he knows a thing or two about being phenomenal. Here are this week’s suggestions: |
KS3 A historical fiction novel that will interest and engage. Imagine life as a Roman soldier in Britain. |
KS4 Before it was an awesome film it was an awesome book - we all know books are better than films - try this. |
KS5 If you have not read this then why not? Emotional, moving and thoughtful. A creative adventure story - read it with your child! |