
Lampton School - Week 16

Posted on Jan 8th 2024

Monday 8th January 2024


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the first week of the Spring Term 2024.  It’s Week A and our whole school assemblies are being led by Dr Isham (Deputy Headteacher) on the theme of ambition.

This half-term is short - only five weeks - but full of activity. Y13 have started their all important PPEs today, Y9 Options Evening takes place next Wednesday (17th January) and Y10 Parents’ Evening takes place on Thursday 1st February. Just a few of the important events taking place.

It is good to hear how useful families are finding the SIMS app in supporting their child’s education. If you have yet to download it or have any questions, please contact the school via

As we begin a new term and a calendar year, it’s good to have high expectations of uniform, conduct, attendance and punctuality. Our daily community service for poor punctuality continues this term and there is an important notice about attendance below - a reminder that our target for student attendance is 96%.

With best wishes for the week ahead,

Stephen Davis


Year 10 Parents’ Evening – 01 February 2024

Year 10 parents’ evening is on 01 February 2024  starting at 16.00.  Please book appointments online to see your child’s teachers using SchoolCloud. Your login details to book appointments will be sent to you by the beginning of next week. Please email if you do not receive them.

 More details of the year 10 parents’ evening can be found here:


Lampton is a Reading School

As you know we love to read at Lampton - you also know why. There are not many things that are as good for you as reading  - and enjoyable too. Those that read better do better. So read!

Students at Lampton read everyday and need to have a book with them at all times. The best way to support your child is to talk to them about reading. Get them to explain the world they are exploring. 

As we mentioned in the last bulletin we are going to suggest some ideas that might help choosing a book. They won't be for everyone, but like all good ideas they might start a fire. The following books can be found in our wonderful library - or if they have been taken out, ask our fantastic and friendly librarians for their advice. They know more about books than you can possibly imagine. As Maya Angelou once said “The best candy shop a child can be left alone in is the library” .

KS3: Christopher isn’t like other teenagers. He finds it difficult to talk to other people but he will find out who committed this crime - funny and eye opening. Adults will love this as much as children.

KS4 : Often read for GCSE this dark gothic thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. Made into a huge Hollywood film starring Daniel “Harry Potter” Radcliffe.

KS5: A wonderful tale of translation, magic and secrets - difficult to put down. Why not read this and share in the conversation with your child? 



Attendance is very important and research informs us that strong attendance results in improved academic performance. Your child will do better academically by attending school regularly. It is the legal duty of parents and carers to ensure their child or children attend school on a full time basis. A reminder that our attendance target for students is 96%. 

If your child were to achieve 90% in an examination this would be considered a positive result but, in terms of attendance, this is significantly below target and will have a detrimental impact on your child. It equates to nineteen days of whole absence and ninety five hours of lost learning. Therefore, attendance below 90% is regarded as persistently absent and will be followed up by the school. 

The NHS have produced guidance for parents/carers to decide whether their child is well enough for school. It can be accessed here:

If you have concerns regarding your child’s attendance and are seeking discussion or further support, please contact your child’s Head of Year or the Attendance Team. 

More information on attendance can be found here: Attendance - Lampton School


Safeguarding briefing: Measles cases in North-West London

There have been a number of measles cases amongst children in North-West London boroughs over the last few weeks. Measles is highly infectious and spreads very easily. The typical symptoms that someone who has measles might show are a cough, runny nose, a rash, sore red watery eyes and a fever. In some cases, the complications of measles can lead to ear infection, chest infection, diarrhoea, can cause fits, and more serious complications of brain infection and risk of death.

Please check whether your child’s vaccinations, especially MMR, are up to date. Anyone who hasn’t had two doses of the MMR vaccine is susceptible to catching measles. The risk of more serious complications is increased for those people who are unvaccinated, particularly those who have health conditions that affect the immune systems and for pregnant women.  

In a classroom of children, it’s highly likely that one case will affect all unvaccinated children. The best protection against measles for any child or adult is vaccination; two doses of MMR are required for protection. The MMR vaccine is safe and the best way to keep children safe from serious illness. It’s vital that children are vaccinated to avoid getting ill and spreading measles to other children in their classroom.

If you are unsure whether your child is protected against measles you can check in your child’s Red Book, or contact the GP surgery. If a child has missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine, we urge parents to make an appointment with their GP for their child to get up to date with their vaccinations. We would also urge parents and carers who think their child has measles to not send their child to school and contact their GP for advice. 

If you have any questions, please contact Hounslow’s Public Health team

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