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Lampton School - Week 19
Posted on Jan 29th 2024Monday 29th January
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Welcome to our newsletter for the fourth week of the Spring Term 2024. It’s Week B with year assemblies taking place.
On Thursday evening we look forward to welcoming all parents/carers of students in Y10 for Parents’ Evening. The evening commences at 4pm and finishes promptly at 7pm. Please ensure that appointments have been made with subject teachers - it’s vitally important that appointment times and the allotted time for the appointment is adhered to strictly so that all parents/carers have the opportunity to meet with as wide a range of staff as possible.
There’s a great deal of information in this week’s bulletin, including: a reading update, extra curricular information, Unifrog, sixth form interview information for Y11 and a vacancy for parent trustee. Please take a few minutes to read these important updates!
A reminder that the half-term break is already on the horizon, with school closed to students on Friday 9th February for an INSET day.
Best wishes for the week ahead,
Stephen Davis
Year 10 Parents’ Evening - 01 February 2024
We look forward to meeting the parents of year ten pupils on Thursday.
We consider it vital that all parents attend parents' evening. Where parents have not made appointments yet, we have made appointments on your behalf through SchoolCloud. Please check your emails for a schedule of appointments.
Please sign in when you arrive at parents' evening; you will be given a pack containing your child’s report and other important information. Please keep to the appointment times - this helps to ensure the efficient running of the evening for all parents.
All students should be in full school uniform. There will be a scheduled break at 5.30 with a short presentation in the main atrium from Miss Majithia on the year ahead.
Lampton is a reading school!
As you know at Lampton we pride ourselves on being a reading school. We read for pleasure everyday. Students at Lampton from year 7 until 13 are required to bring a reading book with them everyday - they will read it during registration, where we set aside time for just this purpose. The reasons are simple. Those that read better, do better. Not just in English but all subjects. Reading improves your vocabulary, your ability to discuss and cognitive response. So when you read, your maths gets better too! The other great thing about reading is that it can take you to a new world, where adventures await. Starting the day by reading is a great antidote to stress and from the students’ point of view, nearly the only time that they get to choose what they do at school! We would like you to talk to your child about what they are reading. This both indicates how important it is as well as getting them to think about what they are reading Neil Gaiman - the author of “American Gods” once said “ A book is a dream you hold in your hands.” We agree with him. Here are this week’s suggestions: |
KS3 An inspiring story about a refugee from Ethiopia from the inspirational author Benjamin Zephania - who sadly passed away last month. |
KS4 An engaging tale about a monster that comes from a dream and wants to know the truth about everything. Difficult to put down. |
KS5 Another book you might read with your child - something to share and enjoy. An unlikely friendship during war written in a poetic style. Magical stuff. |
This academic year we will be continuing to expand our extra curricular offerings to provide students with as many opportunities to develop their character outside of lessons. We offer a wide range of clubs which include sports, performing arts and academic activities - more information and a timetable can be found on the year group google classroom pages and the Lampton School website.
Club Spotlight
Flag American Football - All year groups
When: Tuesdays after school
Why not try your hand at a new and exciting sport being offered at Lampton. Flag American Football is completely non contact and involves a combination of athletic skill and tactical awareness. Do you have what it takes to be the next Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce or Tyreek Hill?? Come along and help establish this new fantastic sport!
All students have Unifrog accounts and should be using this to conduct further research into careers and pathways for the future. Students can also use this to log enrichment activities in order to ensure that they are continuing to build up a wide range of skills to help them in the future. We encourage all students to log on and complete a personality profile as soon as possible. Ask your child to show you! https://www.unifrog.org/
Careers focus:
Students have access to a wide range of careers related opportunities including one-to-one advice, workshops and visits. Year 10 and Year 11 are continuing with their careers advice interviews and year 9 have begun to have their options interviews. This week we were visited by the company ‘Visionpath’ who offered our year 13s fantastic apprenticeship opportunities for next year. We have also had a visit from West Thames College to speak to Year 11 regarding pathways that are available in the local area.
Upcoming: Visits and workshops and assemblies on employability, character and skills from Brentford Community Sports Trust who will be delivering to students in year 7 to 11.
Sixth Form Interviews
The sixth form team start their interviews with our Year 11 applicants this week. If your child is in Year 11 and has applied to the sixth form, please remind them to check the Year 11 google classroom page for the date their interview will take place. We are interviewing one form group on a Monday each week until the Easter break.
Reminder: Parent Trustee Vacancy
We currently have a vacancy for a parent trustee. If you would like to know more about the role of the parent trustee, please click here. If you are interested in applying for the role, please click here for further information.