
Lampton School - Week 12

Posted on Nov 28th 2023

Tuesday 28th November


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the eleventh week of the Autumn Term 2023. It’s Week B so our year assemblies are taking place this week.

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and are ready for the final weeks of this long term which ends at 12.30pm on Thursday 21st December. As always at Lampton our work programme continues right up until the end of period 3 on that day, as well as our enrichment programme of activities for students - one example being our Christmas Musical and Drama Showcase on Thursday 7th December at 5pm. Attendance in these last few weeks is vital so that all students can maximise their achievement, as well as sharing in the end of term activities and trips which are an important part of being at Lampton. As the winter cough and cold season has started we have seen an increase in absence - overall school attendance is 94.2% which is above the national average, but at Lampton we aspire for a higher level than this. Currently, Y12 are topping the leaderboard with 95.1%, followed by Y10 on 95.0% and Y7 on 93.8%. There’s information below from the NHS and the Chief Medical Officer giving advice on whether children should or should not attend school in the case of mild illnesses.

Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review:

As reported last week, the school had an external peer review from Challenge Partners from 20th - 22nd November. I am pleased to report that in all areas reviewed, Lampton achieved the highest grade of ‘Leading’. Highlights of the feedback include: very high levels of consistency in terms of teaching and learning and routines in all lessons, tutor periods and around the school; excellent relationships between students and staff -noting clear and consistent application of our behaviour policy; school values embedded in all of our work with strong and direct leadership at all levels in the school, including student leadership. When the written report is received, I will share it with you in this newsletter. My thanks for your support and congratulations to all students and staff on this achievement.


Thank you to the over 700 families who have signed up for the SIMS app already! It really is a great way of being involved with your child’s education. We will be talking about the app at all the face-to-face parents’ evenings which are coming up. If you have any questions/queries about the app please contact us on It would be great to get 100% sign-up!

My thanks to Mr Leggett (Deputy Headteacher), Mr Shah (Associate HoY) and Ms Dhir (Admin Officer) for their work behind the scenes with the App.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Y9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday from 4pm.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis



Year 9 Parents’ Evening - 30 November 2023

We look forward to the first parents evening of the year on Thursday. 

A reminder that we consider it vital that all parents attend parents evening. Where parents have not made appointment yet, we have made appointments on your behalf through Schoolcloud. Please check your emails for a schedule of appointments. 

Please sign in when you arrive at parents evening; you will be given a pack containing students PPCs and other important information. Please keep to the appointment times - this helps to ensure the efficient running of the evening for all parents. Teachers will start the conversation by showing you students' work in their evidence, as the starting point for a discussion about your child's progress.

All students should be in full school uniform. There will be a scheduled break between appointments at 5.30 with a short presentation in the main atrium from Ms Ali and Mr Bates on the year ahead.


Year 11 Parents’ Evening – 14 December 2023

 Year 11 parents’ evening is on 14 December 2023 starting at 16.00 

 Please book appointments online to see your child’s teachers using school cloud. Your login details to book appointments have already been sent to you. Please email  if you have not received them.

 More details of the year 11 parents’ evening can be found here:


Mild illness guidance

We know that winter is one of the peak times for adults and children to come down with mild illnesses such as colds, coughs and sore throats. Please see this guidance from the NHS, which aims to help parents in making judgements about mild illness.


Safeguarding briefing:  Online grooming

As young people increasingly spend their time online, they can be incredibly vulnerable to online grooming. 

Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.

Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked.

Anybody can be a groomer, no matter their age, gender or race. Grooming can take place over a short or long period of time – from weeks to years. Groomers may also build a relationship with the young person's family or friends to make them seem trustworthy or authoritative.

Find out more from the NSPCC. If you have concerns about your child or any other, please contact the safeguarding team

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