
Lampton School - Week 32

Posted on May 20th 2024

Monday 20th May 2024


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the sixth week of the Summer Term 2024 and the final four days of our academic year 2023 -24. Students in Years 7-10 and Year 12 will progress to their new year groups when they return after the half-term break on Monday 3rd June 2024, marking the start of the school’s new academic year 2024-25. Timetables will be issued to families by email during the course of this week in order for students to come to school fully prepared for their new classes after half-term.

Friday 24th May 2024 will be an INSET Day - our focus will be looking at our new 5-Year School Development Plan 2024-2029; I will be sharing details of this over the coming weeks in this newsletter. The school will be closed to students that day with the exception of those taking Public Examinations.

My thanks for your continued support of the school throughout this very busy half-term. I wish you all a restful half-term break and look forward to seeing students return to start their new academic year on Monday 3rd June at the usual time of Registration at 8:40am.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis


Keeping your child safe online

Are you interested in protecting your children from online threats? Would you like to activate parental controls on their mobile phone and laptop in just 90 seconds? 

 The London Borough of Hounslow is working with SchoolsMobile.Com to help parents to keep their children safe online. They have negotiated a free six month trial* with SchoolsMobile.Com for parents to trial software which will allow them to block their child's access to inappropriate content and apps.

 If you are interested in finding out more, please complete this Google Form and we will send you more details.

 * ​after 30 November 2024 you will be charged £4.80 per child per month


Careers Events

Careers Fair: On the 5th of July the school will be hosting its annual careers fair. We will have a wide range of guests from a huge range of industries/institutions and careers pathways. Students will visit the fair with their year groups during the day. If you would like to attend the fair as a guest we would be then happy to accommodate this. Please contact for further information.

Year 10 Mock Interview Day: On the 12th of July we will be welcoming a number of guests to Lampton to support Year 10 with their employability skills. Students will have a mock interview with the guests and also receive support with the CVs. If you are interested in supporting this event please contact  

VisionPath Visits: On Wednesday we have visits from VisionPath. They work with large multinational companies to provide students with apprenticeship opportunities within a range of industries. They will be meeting with Year 12 students to offer a pathway in insurance and will be speaking to Year 10 students about apprenticeships. 

Future Frontiers: Wednesday also marks the final Future Frontiers trip - this is a programme which has paired Year 10 students with the company 'Frontier Economics’ for careers coaching and guidance. The students have been visiting their offices every week and receiving bespoke careers advice and support.


Train to teach with us!

 Do you know anyone who is thinking of joining the best profession in the world and training to teach? Are you currently working with young people and considering taking the next step in your career? Are you looking for a way to train locally and give back to your own community while learning on the job?

 If so, consider training to teach with the London West Alliance ITT, in partnership with the University of Roehampton. We offer salaried and unsalaried training routes working in partner schools across the South West London area, in a wide range of secondary subjects. You will be offered high quality training, with a dedicated team of mentors and experts, and will achieve QTS and PGCE qualifications, propelling you on the first step to the rest of your teaching career.

 Applications for London West Alliance ITT are now open!

 If you’re interested, or you know anyone who may be, please visit our website for more information: or contact us on

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