
Lampton School - Week 31

Posted on May 13th 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the fifth week of the Summer Term 2024. It’s Week A with our whole school assemblies taking place. These are being led by Ms Bolton (Assistant Headteacher) on the theme of Mental Health Awareness week. There are further details below about how the school supports students’ mental health, including links to resources which you may wish to discuss with your child/children.

This week sees the turn of Y10 for their Celebration Evening, which takes place on Tuesday 14th May from 4.30pm. We look forward to welcoming large numbers of families for that special occasion. Thursday 16th May is Parents’ Evening for Y7 and again, we look forward to welcoming large numbers of parents/carers to the school on that occasion.

As you know, the school was inspected by Ofsted on Wednesday and Thursday last week. The outcome is currently confidential while Ofsted completes their internal quality assurance process. Suffice to say that we were very pleased with the discussions and activities which were undertaken and I look forward to sharing the very positive feedback in due course. In particular, comment was passed on the attitude, work and behaviour of students who displayed the Lampton values and character traits in an exemplary manner throughout the inspection. My thanks as well to parents/carers who took the time to complete the Parent View questionnaire.

The Public Examinations are now well underway for Y11 and we said farewell to Y13 students at a special assembly on Friday to mark the end of their Lampton journey - their exams kick-off imminently. We wish all students the very best of luck in these crucial examinations.

For the remainder of the school, we are now in the last cycle of this year’s timetable. All year groups, 7-10 and 12, will be promoted to the next year when we return in June. Now is therefore the time to finish this year off well and plan how to start the new year with renewed commitment.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis


Safeguarding Briefing: Mental Health Awareness Week

This week’s whole school assembly promotes the importance of getting moving for mental health. Lampton students do this day in day out through Games lessons, playing sports at break and lunch and through the extra-curricular programme. We also talk to students more broadly about promoting good mental and physical health in PSHE and tutor time programmes, and more information about support available for parents can be found via this page. Individual support is provided via our team of mental health specialists. If you have a concern about your child’s mental health, please do get in touch with your child’s Head of Year, or the safeguarding team

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