
Lampton School Newsletter: Week 2, 2024-25

Posted on Sep 10th 2024

Monday 9th September 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the second week of the Autumn Term 2024. 

All year groups have now returned and the full timetable is in operation; it’s good to see students arriving punctually to school and smartly dressed. A reminder that full school uniform (including blazers) must be worn to and from school. The uniform page on the website outlines the details of the correct uniform, especially the types of shoes which are permitted and that school bags must be plain black.

Last week, Ms Kapila and I led our first whole school assemblies of the year. Our focus was the importance of critical thinking and the importance of respect. This was linked to tragic events which took place in Southport at the start of the summer break and the unrest which followed. We will be following this up in tutor period over the coming weeks.

As it is Week B, year assemblies are taking place. These are being led by me, Ms Kapila, Mr Bates, Mr Smale and the respective Head of Year. Our focus is on following the Lampton Way - our routines, expectations and ambitions for the year ahead. Again, these messages will be reinforced in tutor period over the coming weeks.

Last week every student was issued with a mini-whiteboard, dry-wipe pen and eraser. This is now part of the daily equipment which is required by every student, in every year group, every day. Tutors and class teachers will be monitoring this. These will be used across all subjects to support learning.

In the summer holiday I received a letter from Sir Martyn Oliver, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools congratulating the school community on our Outstanding Ofsted judgement achieved last term. My thanks to all who played their part in the inspection and our excellent result. A great achievement of which we can all be proud. Click here to see the letter

With best wishes for the week ahead,

Stephen Davis



Attendance matters

Thank you for your support in ensuring your child has started the new academic year well- ready and prepared, on time and in school to maximise their learning. Please see the following that links to poor attendance:

Evidence of impact of poor attendance:

  • A child who is absent a day of school per week misses an equivalent of two years of their school life
  • 90% of young people with absence rates below 85% fail to achieve five or more good grades of GCSE 
  • Low attendance is closely associated with crime- child exploitation
  • At least 1 million children take at least one-half day off a year without permission
  • 7.5 million school days are missed each year through unauthorised absence

Unacceptable reasons for absence:

  • Truancy
  • Holidays in term time
  • Shopping
  • Birthdays
  • Looking after siblings at home
  • Dental appointments

Please let us know if there is a reason why your child is not in school. Please ensure that you attach any medical evidence if you have it. We want the very best start for all children. Making sure they are in school and engaged in lessons, participating in clubs and making the most of their time in school will ensure excellent results academically and socially.

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