
Lampton School Newsletter: Week 3, 2024-25

Posted on Sep 16th 2024

Monday 16th September 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the third week of the Autumn Term 2024. 

It’s Week A, so whole school assemblies are taking place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These are being led by Ms Kapila and Mr Bates and are focusing on ‘Being the best version of yourself online’ discussing the benefits and harms of online activities - there are details below which can be used to support your child at home.

Please take time to read the important information on attendance and safeguarding below. As we start the new term, it’s a good time to resolve to achieve the highest levels of attendance and punctuality possible - success is achieved by being in school every day and being on time. 

A number of students have started the term with new school shoes, unfortunately, some do not conform to our expectations. Please look again at the diagram on our uniform page which makes very clear the school’s expectations. If you are in doubt, please contact the school for clarification.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis




This week we will be starting attendance conversations in form time. We will be using a tracker to closely monitor students’ attendance and punctuality which we know makes a difference to achievement in school. Heads of Year will support this process through attendance meetings led by Ms Virdi who is the Senior Attendance Lead. Ms Kapila will be working with the Local Authority on persistent absence and severe absence. We will send letters, texts and call home to support, remind and challenge absences. We want to work together to ensure all barriers are removed and your child is maximising their learning and gaining the best grades possible.



We would also like to highlight based on the guidance for schools Keeping Children Safe in Education document published this summer, our key priorities in terms of safeguarding:

  • Empower students to avoid online exploitation,
  • Maintain a safe environment for students with protected characteristics,
  • Deliver targeted support for attendance and social, emotional and mental health to improve student outcomes.

We will be focusing on how students can protect themselves online and empowering them to think critically about what they see online and how they use their phones specifically to ensure they are aware of the dangers of social media apps and sites.  We ask you to support us in this by encouraging your children to have time away from the phone, having clear times when they can access technology and putting limits on and ensuring that when they are online it is in a communal area of the house to supervise and support your child.

I would like to introduce you to PC Dave Wallis who is our attached Police Officer.  He will be in school to support any arising issues and educate our students on how to keep safe in and out of school.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact: 


Our new menu for food in the canteen

Please find the new menu on our school website. The menu operates on a three-week rotation, with the dates of each week listed at the top of the menu. This week we’re on Week 3, so tomorrow we’ll have Chicken Makhani, with either halal or non-halal chicken, and Sri Lankan split pea and cauliflower curry as a vegan alternative. Both are available as a £2.50 meal deal coupled with either a bottle of water or a Warm Blueberry Sponge dessert. Tomorrow there’s also a Chipotle Chicken Chimichanga, a Creamy Pesto Pasta and a Smoked Tofu & Caponata Burger, as well as the usual paninis, wraps and salads. Please talk with your child about the new menu and find out about the new food they are exploring.

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