
Lampton School Newsletter: Week 5, 2024-25

Posted on Sep 30th 2024

Monday 30th September 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the fifth week of the Autumn Term 2024. 

It’s Week A and our whole school assemblies are being led by Mrs Vowles (Assistant Head: Director of Sixth Form) and Mr Smale (Assistant Head: Behaviour and Personal Development) on the theme of ambition and how Lampton supports this in all our students.

To this end, our Y13 and Y11 students have their first round of Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs) on the horizon and should be utilising time at home to prepare fully for these. Y13’s exams begin the week commencing 14th October and Y11 the week of 21st October.

This year’s school production is going to be Shrek Junior and auditions started today! For the first time in the school’s history the production will take place off-site, in the Paul Robeson Theatre in Hounslow. So our students will have the experience of performing in a professional venue as part of the experience. As well as being cast members, students will have the opportunity to help with set design, lighting, sound and stage crew. More details from Ms Mercuri and the Performing Arts team.

This week in tutor periods, form tutors will be discussing attendance and supporting those students who have had any absences over the last week. A reminder that our minimum target is 96% for students in all year groups.

This Thursday is our annual Open Evening - school closes for all students at 12:30pm that day and starts slightly later at 9:00 am on Friday 4th October. If your child is involved with this event, further details will be communicated to you separately.

With best wishes for the week ahead,

Stephen Davis



Lost property

Please ensure all items your child brings to school are clearly labelled with their name. This helps us quickly reunite lost items with their owners. Any items found on the school site are taken to the lobby next to Student Services for easy collection, and at the end of each term these go to our Lost Property store. Students can access this store by arrangement with Pauline, who is stationed at the main gate every morning and afternoon, and in the Dining Hall during break and lunchtimes. At the end of the academic year we wash any uncollected uniform ready to give to disadvantaged students and we donate other uncollected items to charity. Thank you for your support in helping your child to look after their belongings.


This week is Anaphylaxis Awareness Week. Anaphylaxis is the body’s severe, life-threatening reaction to something we are allergic to. It can happen within seconds of exposure to an allergen, and involves a sudden release of chemicals and hormones within the body that causes it to go into shock. Anaphylaxis must be treated in hospital as soon as possible. Please keep the school informed of any new allergies your child develops, and please ensure the school has the appropriate, in-date medication required for your child. Thank you for your support in maintaining a completely nut-free environment at school.

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