
Lampton School Newsletter: Week 21 2024-25

Posted on Feb 10th 2025

Monday 10th February 2025

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the sixth week of the Spring Term. A reminder that this is a shorter week for students on-site as our remote learning day takes place on Friday 14th February.

It’s Week B, so year assemblies are taking place this week. Also, year 11 are taking pre-public examinations in their core subjects and R.S. It’s vitally important that students perform as best they can in these examinations as they are key for preparing for the public examinations which will start shortly after the Easter break.

It was good to see so many students and their families at the year 10 parents’ evening last Thursday and we look forward to the same excellent attendance at the same event for year 13 this week.

School closes on-site for all students, except year 11 and others involved with the remote learning day in school, at the end of the day on Thursday 13th February and reopens at the usual time of 8.40am on Tuesday 25th February due to INSET Day for staff on Monday 24th February. I wish you all a relaxing half-term break.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis



Nuts on the school site

Thank you to those who took part in the recent consultation about having nut products on the school site. When we return after the February half term we will no longer be a nut-free school, although the Student Services room will remain a nut-free environment to maintain a safe environment there for unwell students. Please remain conscious that there are students and staff who have allergies and please join us in asking your children to be respectful of others’ needs. We have a team of staff who are first-aid trained and are able to respond confidently and with care to a child’s allergic reaction. Please ensure that the school has any medication your child might require.


Substance use

Addiction Recovery Community (ARC) Hounslow and Hounslow Young People Engaged (HYPE) are collaborating to offer a Parent Support Group on the last Tuesday of each month 17:30-18:30 to support parents/carers with a child or adult relative who is dealing with substance use. The first session takes place on Tuesday 25 February at Montague Hall, Hounslow TW3 1LD. Sessions are free of charge and there is no need to book - just turn up.


Support for refugees and asylum seekers

Work Hounslow is offering targeted employment advice and support for refugees and asylum seekers in the borough. Attendees will receive personalised guidance on accessing both voluntary and paid opportunities in Hounslow. Starting Thursday 6 February, the work club will meet every Thursday from 3:15pm to 5:00pm at Heston Library (TW5 0LW). Employment advisors will provide free advice tailored to individual career goals, CV improvement, opportunity searching, and more. Language interpretation support will also be available for non-English-speaking attendees. You can find out more information about the initiative here


Support for parents

Please click here to access many resources to help parents whilst their child is at Lampton School. The resources range from support with mental health, attendance, financial support and many more.

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