
Lampton School - Week 36

Posted on Jun 24th 2024



Monday 24th June


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the tenth week of the Summer Term 2024. It’s Week B, so year assemblies are taking place.

Ofsted Report:

Last week I was proud to write to all families and share with them our ‘Outstanding’ inspection report from Ofsted. This is now published on Ofsted’s website

It is a real accolade for our school to have been judged outstanding overall against Ofsted’s most exacting criteria ever, indicating the impact of the significant changes which have taken place in the school since our last inspection 11 years ago in 2013. It was pleasing to read quotes such as:

 “Lampton Academy sets high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievement. Leaders are determined that pupils will excel.”

“Pupils are ambitious and access a wide range of high quality options for their next stage of education.” 

“...pupils are happy here and treat each other with kindness and respect.”

“In many subjects, the school’s expectations exceed those of the national curriculum.”

“The behaviour of pupils in lessons is excellent, meaning that learning takes place in calm and focused classrooms.”

“The school does everything possible to ensure that pupils are in school, safe and learning.”

“The school takes a caring approach to implementing its behaviour policy. Pupils know that they are given an opportunity to have a discussion with an adult to restore any fractures in their professional relationships. They feel that they are treated fairly.”

My thanks once again to all members of our school community for their role in making Lampton an ambitious and exceptional school!

This week:

The Y9 trip day takes place this Wednesday in succession to the very successful Y8 day last week. My thanks to all colleagues supporting these trips and we wish all students an enjoyable time. Tomorrow afternoon sees the final of the ‘First Give’ competition and we look forward to supporting the winning team’s charity through our whole school sponsored walk around Osterley Park on Wednesday 17th July. This weekend sees the second of this year’s expeditions for those participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

Today the school hosted General Election hustings for candidates in our new parliamentary constituency of Brentford and Isleworth, the school having previously been in the Heston and Feltham constituency. Students heard from a number of candidates from a range of political parties, including the current MP Ruth Cadbury. My thanks to Mr Dhesi (Head of Politics) for organising this event. 

School Funding:

As a single academy trust, this is the time of the year when we set our budget for 2024-2025. It has always been  challenging to do this, and each year becomes more difficult.

Some parents/carers may be aware of the Stop School Cuts campaign. This is endorsed by the major education trade unions, including those who represent Headteachers. The link shows the impact of education spending cuts on Lampton since 2010.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis


September 2024 Sixth Form Intake

This Thursday, 27th June, sees our annual Taster Day for prospective students to the sixth form. External students should arrive at 08:50, with Lampton students arriving at 09:10. There will be an introduction to the sixth form led by the sixth form team, followed by subject taster sessions and a chance to get to know fellow students. We look forward to welcoming lots of our potential new Year 12 cohort and hope they have a fun and useful day!


Safeguarding Briefing: Vaping

 In year assemblies this week, students will hear about the dangers of vaping, and how to resist peer pressure. Diyan, Yusuf, Reuel & Bhav lead the Breathe Easy campaign against vaping, and are educating younger students both in Lampton and other local schools.

A reminder that the school has installed vape detectors in toilet areas resulting in a significant drop off in the number of students vaping in the toilets, however it does still occasionally happen. If we suspect a student has a vape, we will search the student. Vapes are prohibited items, and students found possessing them will spend time in the Reflection Room, with parents contacted -and the Breathe Easy campaign will be putting together an action pack for students to enable students to reflect on the risks of vaping.


Train to teach with us!

 Do you know anyone who is thinking of joining the best profession in the world and training to teach? Are you currently working with young people and considering taking the next step in your career? Are you looking for a way to train locally and give back to your own community while learning on the job?

 If so, consider training to teach with the London West Alliance ITT, in partnership with the University of Roehampton. We offer salaried and unsalaried training routes working in partner schools across the South West London area, in a wide range of secondary subjects. You will be offered high quality training, with a dedicated team of mentors and experts, and will achieve QTS and PGCE qualifications, propelling you on the first step to the rest of your teaching career.

 Applications for London West Alliance ITT are now open!

 If you’re interested, or you know anyone who may be, please visit our website for more information: or contact us on



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