
Lampton School - Week 37

Posted on Jul 1st 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the eleventh week of the Summer Term 2024. It’s Week A, so whole school assemblies are taking place. These are being led by Ms Leregle (Assistant Headteacher) and are focusing on Refugee Awareness Week.

As we enter July our personal development programme is really switching up a gear. You can see later on the newsletter events which took place last week and this week sees the following events:

  • Primary Transfer Day tomorrow followed by a parents’ welcome event later in the afternoon

  • Y8 trip to Littlehampton as part of their geography curriculum

  • Performing Arts and Art and Design Summer Showcase on Thursday 4th July from 4 -6pm 

  • Y11 Prom Thursday 2nd July in the evening at The Riverside venue

  • Careers Fayre all day on Friday 5th July for students in all year groups

  • New Y13 students undertaking summer school placements at King’s College London and Eaton College

  • At the weekend Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition

So, a busy week for us all at Lampton! The culmination of all this activity is our whole school sponsored walk around Osterley Park on Wednesday 17th July - please see below for details.

Details of our annual parent/carer survey are below - thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis


Parent/carer survey

We have introduced a new survey in which we'll be giving you the opportunity to express your opinion on parent and carer engagement at Lampton School and your overall confidence in the school’s strategy. Our goal is to open up a communication channel where your voice is heard and organised in such a way that we can create the best learning environment for your child. To help us with this, we're working together with the Edurio survey platform.

Please complete the survey here

Surveys are completely anonymous and confidential, though the responses will be aggregated for the purpose of analysis. Please note that the survey needs to be completed in one sitting. The survey will be available until Friday 12 July and the survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Your opinion and honesty are much appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns please be in touch.

We look forward to your feedback!


Junior Maths Challenge Success

We have received our Junior Maths Challenge Kangaroo results and had three pupils achieve a Merit which means they were in the top 25% of the elite second round after achieving a Gold Certificate in the Junior Maths Challenge.  Well done to Radoslaw, Sri Janani and Shrisihas!


Osterley Park sponsored walk

Last Monday students in new Year 10 competed with each other in our annual First Give competition. Students researched and selected a local charity and then competed to win a £1000 prize. The winning team was formed of students from 10K, and campaigned for Young Roots, a charity that focuses on supporting young refugees in South, West and North London. Students from across the school will now be raising money for Young Roots in our whole school sponsored 10km walk around Osterley Park, which takes place on Wednesday 17th July.  


Battle of the Bands

Last Tuesday the Miss Allchorne and Mrs Mercuri took our 16 strong band to the annual Hounslow Battle of the Bands. From the moment the students arrived they were treated like stars. They had their own designated time to soundcheck with technicians running around setting them all up. They even had a green room with a table tennis table in, which kept them entertained during the long wait to the show and then an amazing opportunity to perform in a semi-professional performance space.

There was some strong competition with outstanding performances from all the other schools (Gunnersbury, Nishkam, Chiswick, I&S and Gumley) and we drew last to perform which made the students incredibly nervous having heard all the other bands perform before them. However, they absolutely rose to the challenge. They got up on stage to massive cheers in the 1 minute set up time and smashed out the performance of their lives. The audience were cheering, clapping and singing along throughout the performance and their little faces on that stage showed that it really was the best time of their life! They came off so proud and exhilarated at the performance they had given.

The long wait for the judges to make their decision seemed like a lifetime and the students sat back in their seats for the announcement of the prizes. There were three prizes on offer overall winner, commendation for stage craft and commendation for technical skills.

The announcement came that The Night Howlers from Lampton School won the commendation for stage craft. Congratulations!

Train to teach with us!

Do you know anyone who is thinking of joining the best profession in the world and training to teach? Are you currently working with young people and considering taking the next step in your career? Are you looking for a way to train locally and give back to your own community while learning on the job?

If so, consider training to teach with the London West Alliance ITT, in partnership with the University of Roehampton. We offer salaried and unsalaried training routes working in partner schools across the South West London area, in a wide range of secondary subjects. You will be offered high quality training, with a dedicated team of mentors and experts, and will achieve QTS and PGCE qualifications, propelling you on the first step to the rest of your teaching career.

Applications for London West Alliance ITT are now open!

If you’re interested, or you know anyone who may be, please visit our website for more information: or contact us on

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