
Lampton School - Week 38

Posted on Jul 8th 2024


Monday 8th July


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the twelfth week of the Summer Term 2024. Our enrichment programme continues apace this week, with Sports Days for each year group 8-11 and Y10 trip day on Wednesday.  The culmination of our programme being the whole school sponsored walk around Osterley Park on Wednesday 17th July. Our charity this year will be Young Roots, a London-wide charity supporting refugee children. Thanks to students in 10R who presented on the work of this charity and won our annual First Give competition.

Please see details below about the exciting work of our Y13 students and the Breathe Easy campaign, our parent/carer survey, Diversity Day on 24th July and the Hounslow Activity and Food programme - a busy time for our community.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis


Breathe Easy campaign

A team of Year 13 students have recently been leading a social action campaign against vaping in schools. Bhav, Yusuf, Reuel and Diyan have led assemblies across all year groups, and created their own website and social media to further their message. Students are taking part in the Talent Foundry’s Inspire US competition, where the winning campaigns will take part in a fully funded trip to the USA to campaign in the upcoming US presidential election. Please check out Breathe Easy’s campaign and show your support by following their social media account:


Parent/carer survey

Many thanks to parents who have completed our annual parent survey. The survey will be available until Friday 12 July and the survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Your opinion and honesty are much appreciated. We look forward to your feedback!

Diversity Day: Wednesday 24th July

The school’s annual Diversity Day will be held on the final day of term, Wednesday 24th July. On this day students are encouraged to celebrate the school's diverse communities and individuality through their choice of clothing. 

Clothing: students (and staff) are encouraged to celebrate the school's diversity through clothing. Please note that students will not be allowed to bring flags onto site. We have an expectation that choices of clothing affirm the school value of Respect.

Fundraising for charity: we will be raising funds for the First Give winners Young Roots, a charity that focuses on supporting young refugees in South, West and North London. The suggested donation is £1: form tutors will be collecting funds on the day in cash. 


LB Hounslow Holiday Activity & Food Programme

Families with young people living in the borough who are aged between 12 and 16 years and entitled to benefit related free school meals, can attend the Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) activities for free. When families are registered for benefits related free school meals, parent will automatically receive the voucher/s to book (pictured).

Funded by Department for Education, HAF in the Summer will be delivered by experienced providers with fun and enriching activities featuring sports and games, cooking, gym sessions, youth clubs, performing arts and more taking place across the borough. Eligible young people can attend four sessions from 29 July to 30 Aug and enjoy a free, nutritious meal every day.

All the HAF activities information for the Summer and support for booking can be found on Hounslow Family Service Directory HAF programme website. Hounslow HAF can be contacted at


Train to teach with us!

 Do you know anyone who is thinking of joining the best profession in the world and training to teach? Are you currently working with young people and considering taking the next step in your career? Are you looking for a way to train locally and give back to your own community while learning on the job?

 If so, consider training to teach with the London West Alliance ITT, in partnership with the University of Roehampton. We offer salaried and unsalaried training routes working in partner schools across the South West London area, in a wide range of secondary subjects. You will be offered high quality training, with a dedicated team of mentors and experts, and will achieve QTS and PGCE qualifications, propelling you on the first step to the rest of your teaching career.

 Applications for London West Alliance ITT are now open!

 If you’re interested, or you know anyone who may be, please visit our website for more information: or contact us on

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