
Lampton School - Week 39

Posted on Jul 15th 2024


Monday 15th July

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the thirteenth week of the Summer Term 2024. Our enrichment programme now draws to its close this week with the Y11 trip day tomorrow followed by the whole school sponsored walk day on Wednesday 17th July. This year our chosen charity is ‘Young Roots’ an organisation supporting young refugees in London - a worthwhile cause and we look forward to students generating as much sponsorship as possible.

On Thursday of this week there is a celebration being held at Hounslow House to mark those members of staff who have given over 25 years of service to schools in the Borough. From Lampton this will be:  Jan Cooper (26 yrs), Rav Gill (28 yrs), Carol Groves (36 yrs), Pinkey Hanspal (27 yrs), Farah Hasan (29 yrs), Nicky Hunt (27 yrs), Lynne Isham (27 yrs), Alex Leggett (25 yrs), Zarina Miyanji (25 yrs), Penny Osborne (30 yrs), Kal Virdi (27 yrs) and Ray Whyms (37 yrs). Many congratulations and thanks on behalf of generations of Hounslow children and their families for your dedication and commitment to education in our local community.

Next Monday’s edition of the newsletter will be the last before we break for the summer holiday and a reminder that Wednesday 24th July will be our annual Diversity Day. School ends that day at 12:30pm.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

Stephen Davis


Sponsored walk 

Our annual whole school sponsored walk takes place on Wednesday 17th July. All students and staff will be walking 10km from school to Osterley Park and back. We are raising money this year for Young Roots, a charity that supports young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Donations to this can be made via our JustGiving page

All students should come in PE kits on Wednesday and should bring a packed lunch and water for the day. Registration and Period 1 will take place as normal on this day and students should bring their books for these lessons. 


Breathe Easy campaign success

On Friday Diyan, Reuel, Bhav and Yusuf in Y13 took part in the Talent Foundry’s Inspire US 2024 programme, competing for an all expenses paid trip to the USA to join the Presidential campaigns in this year’s US elections. The students impressed the judges with their Breathe Easy campaign, in particular for their website and social media outreach in challenging young people to stop vaping. Students will be flying out in October to join ‘campaign school’ and will have access to both the Republican and Democratic party campaigns. Students are pictured below celebrating their victory, with Mr Bates who supported them in their participation in the competition. More information on the winning campaigns can be found here.



Safeguarding briefing - children sharing a bedroom

As children grow up they might want more privacy and need their own space, especially if they're sharing a bedroom with a brother or sister. It's recommended that children over the age of 10 should have their own bedrooms – even if they're siblings or step-siblings. However, we know that in practice given housing costs and overcrowding, that it’s not always possible. This guide from the NSPCC outlines some important considerations to help safeguard and protect personal development of children. If you would like any further support with this, or any other safeguarding matter, please contact our safeguarding team


Train to teach with us!


Do you know anyone who is thinking of joining the best profession in the world and training to teach? Are you currently working with young people and considering taking the next step in your career? Are you looking for a way to train locally and give back to your own community while learning on the job?

 If so, consider training to teach with the London West Alliance ITT, in partnership with the University of Roehampton. We offer salaried and unsalaried training routes working in partner schools across the South West London area, in a wide range of secondary subjects. You will be offered high quality training, with a dedicated team of mentors and experts, and will achieve QTS and PGCE qualifications, propelling you on the first step to the rest of your teaching career.

 Applications for London West Alliance ITT are now open!

 If you’re interested, or you know anyone who may be, please visit our website for more information: or contact us on


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