
Lampton School - Week 40

Posted on Jul 22nd 2024


Monday 22nd July


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the fourteenth, and final, week of the Summer Term 2024. School will end for all students at 12:30pm on Wednesday 24th July 2024.

Our busy half-term of enrichment came to an end last week with, on Wednesday 17th July with our whole school sponsored walk around Osterley Park in aid of Young Roots: new Y13 celebration evening on Thursday 18th July and our School Council Conference on Friday 19th July with special guests Ruth Cadbury MP and Cllr Blake, Mayor of Hounslow in attendance. Thank you to all staff who have organised and supported all of our enrichment activities for the benefit of our students over these last few weeks.

In our final whole school assemblies last week I spoke to students about the importance of community and how we all play our part in making our Lampton community an exceptional place for all. I also used this as an opportunity to pay tribute to a long serving and dedicated member of our community who will be retiring at the end of this term, Dr Lynne Isham. 

Dr Isham has been at Lampton since 1997 and in that time has held a number of roles ranging from teacher of French, Head of MFL and for the last 14 years Deputy Headteacher. Since 2018, Dr Isham has led the school’s Initial Teacher Training (ITT) provision alongside her role as Deputy Headteacher, training the next generation of teachers. All of us who have worked with her over the years know Dr Isham to be someone with high expectations for all, a person of academic rigour and a colleague who is committed to the highest of standards for all members of our school community. We wish Dr Isham a long, happy and well-deserved retirement.

The Autumn Term 2024 will begin for students in the new Y7 and Y12 on Wednesday 4th September  and Thursday 5th September for all year groups.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and restful summer break. 

Stephen Davis



Results days 

Please note that A-Level results day takes place on Thursday 15th August, and GCSE results day on Thursday 22nd August. Students in Year 13 and Year 11 should check the details on the last communication from school about arrangements for the day. Staff will be on hand on both days to both celebrate success and support students with their next steps. Recruitment for the 6th Form (for Lampton students) will take place later on Thursday 22nd August - again students should check their last letter from the 6th Form team. 


Safeguarding update - staying safe for the summer 

We know that getting the balance right between given your child more independence, and keeping them safe, is a difficult one to get right. As your child gets older, they will expect more responsibility for going out on their own, and this can cause conflict, especially over the long summer holidays. The LB Hounslow Holiday Activities and Food Programme can provide a range of activities for eligible parents. We have also included details of paid for programmes below.  

It can be tempting to think that keeping your child indoors is keeping them safe. However, a recent incident locally shows that if your child has internet access, unmonitored usage can present very real dangers to children and young people. We have been asked by LB Hounslow Children’s Services to pass on this message to parents: 

I need to bring to your attention that there has been an adult male posing as a child, wearing a school uniform and contacting girls via Snapchat. Currently the age of the girls are 13-14 years old. Police are aware and through evidence he is known to be meeting with girls and buying them gifts, food, vapes and providing them with Uber credit to travel around. There have been allegations of sexual assault.

If you have a concern about criminal activity or your child is at risk of immediate harm please contact the Metropolitan Police in the first instance. If you are concerned that your child or any other is at risk of harm, please contact Hounslow Children’s Services. Support is also available via the Stronger Families Hub. If you’re worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with them or their child online please contact CEOP Safety Centre.

The school will be closed from Thursday 26th July to Friday 30th August inclusive. During this time, students can access our wellbeing page for advice and guidance on safeguarding issues, and parents and carers are encouraged to visit this advice page. Safeguarding matters arising during the holidays will be dealt with on our return to school in September.






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