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Lampton School Newsletter: Week 22 2024-25
Posted on Feb 24th 2025Wednesday 26th February 2025
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Welcome to our newsletter for the seventh week of the Spring Term. I hope you all had a restful half-term break and are ready for the next six weeks ahead until term ends at 12.30pm on Friday 4th April.
It’s Week A, so our whole school assemblies are taking place. These are being led by Mr Lane (Chief Admin Officer) and are focusing on the theme of ‘daring greatly’.
Though a relatively short half-term, it is certainly a busy one with the following events taking place:
Tuesday 4th March Year 7 Celebration Evening
Thursday 6th March Year 12 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 20th & Friday 21st March School production performance of Shrek
Thursday 27th March Year 11 Parents’ Evening
Friday 4th April Term ends at 12.30pm
In particular, we are looking forward to welcoming year 7 and their families next Tuesday for their first Lampton celebration event.
This year also marks a milestone for our school as it is the first time ever that our school production will be staged off-site at a professional venue. We look forward to welcoming members of our school community from all year groups to the Hounslow Arts Centre in the High Street for our production of ‘Shrek’ on 20th and 21st March. Further details will be published shortly.
For Y13 and Y11 we are really in the final stages of preparing for the public examinations which will be upon us shortly after the Easter break. Not a minute in school or at home can be wasted if students are to be successful. Year 11 parents’ evening on 27th March will provide a great opportunity for feedback before term ends; attendance is essential.
With best wishes for the week ahead,
Stephen Davis
Self Harm
Each year around the world, the 1st of March is Self-Harm Awareness Day (sometimes also known as Self Injury Awareness Day). In the UK, it is an opportunity for everyone across the country to speak with one voice to raise awareness around what is often a very misunderstood topic. Partners and individuals from outside of the sector are also encouraged to get involved to help spread the message as widely as possible, particularly across social media where we encourage the use of the hashtag #SelfHarmAwarenessDay. Here are some organisations that provide support for people suffering from self-harm:
- Harmless and The Tomorrow Project: 0115 880 0280 (administration line only – call for information about how our services can support you) www.harmless.org.uk
- YoungMinds: Parents Helpline 0808 802 55 44 (9.30am – 4pm weekdays) www.youngminds.org.uk
- NHS: 111 Open 24/7, can provide mental health support
- ChildLine: 0800 1111 (24 hours, ages up to 19 years old) www.childline.org.uk
- HopeLine247: 0800 068 41 41 (24 hours, ages up to 35 years old or if you are concerned about someone aged up to 35) https://www.papyrus-uk.org/papyrus-hopeline247/
- Samaritans: 116 123 (Open 24/7 for all ages) www.samaritans.org
Why is attendance important?
The link between attendance and attainment is clear. In 2018/19, 36% of persistently absent (PA) children in KS4 got above a grade 4 in their English and maths GCSEs, compared with 84% of regular attenders. More than half (54%) of pupils who were PA in year 10 and then rarely absent in year 11, achieved above a grade 4 in at least 5 GCSEs, compared to 36% of pupils who were persistently absent in both years. Attendance is important for more than just attainment. Regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing.
Is Term Time Leave Permitted?
It is imperative your child attends school. There are plenty of opportunities within the calendar year to book appointments or take holiday. Holidays will not be authorised in the academic year. There are 365 days in a year. Only 190 days are spent in school. These 190 days are statutory. 175 days are spent with families.
Character Education
Please reinforce the school’s expectations: when students are challenged to do the right thing, it is important that students are able to reflect and make positive changes. If your child is in the reflection room, please spend time discussing with them what they can change and what they could have done differently. Please contact Ms Kapila or Mr Smale if you would like any further information about this.
Support for parents
Please click here to access many resources to help parents whilst their child is at Lampton School. The resources range from support with mental health, attendance, financial support and many more.