
Lampton News - Week 21

Posted on Feb 7th 2022


Monday 7th Feb


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our weekly update for the sixth week of the Spring Term and our last week before the half-term break.

This week sees two important national events which will be marked in school: Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day. Please see the details below.

On Tuesday 8th February there will be an additional Parents’ Evening for Y10 and on 9th February the online Parents’ Evening for Y13.  Thank you for supporting these events.

Last Friday saw the whole School Council meeting take place in the sixth form atrium. Ms Woolman, who is our Chair of Trustees, took time out of her day to come and attend. Among the items discussed were the school’s plans to achieve the Eco Schools award, wider environmental issues and an update on behaviour from Miss Kapila, in particular enhancing the praise system further.. It was great to see our school’s values of excellence, respect and integrity in action at the meeting. Ms Woolman also gave this feedback to the Trust Board:

“I had the pleasure of attending the School Council meeting on Friday…it was impressive to hear students talk about the work going into achieving the Eco Schools award…and I look forward to hearing what thoughts students have about additional forms of praise. The meeting was the voice of 100+ students taking the lead in effecting positive change within the school - very inspiring!” 

My thanks to Mr Jolly, Ms Gartska and Mr Gayle for their role in leading the School Council.

Covid rates are declining slowly in Hounslow, but a reminder that twice weekly testing needs to continue.

With best wishes for the week ahead and I wish you all a restful half-term break.

Stephen Davis


Exam Board Guidance for Year 11 and Year 13 students

As you may be aware, exam boards have today released guidance on how they intend to support students with their GCSE and A-Level exams. This is enacted in different ways according to the subject and board, for example by giving advance notice on topics that will be examined. Please be assured that over the next few weeks, teachers will be explaining to students the implications for their courses and revision programmes. 


Sixth Form Interviews

Sixth form interviews continue on Tuesdays or Thursday evenings.  Students are interviewed in form order, and we will let forms know via tutors when their interviews are.  Parents may find the following video helpful in supporting students with their choices Choosing Sixth Form Courses


Wellbeing - Children’s Mental Health Week 

A reminder that Lampton students will be discussing mental health and wellbeing during their tutor time this week for Children’s Mental Health week. We have shared resources on how students can look after their wellbeing and organisations which can support them. 

We will also be holding two Art Calm Clubs during KS3 and KS4 lunchtime run by our school council. 

Furthermore, a reminder that our mental health and wellbeing library section is up and running. We have extensive resources young people can read for support and would ask that parents/carers encourage their child/children to look through these resources. 

Additionally, Lampton promotes Kooth to aid student wellbeing. Kooth is available for all young people aged 11-25 (inc year 6) across all of North West London.

Kooth is an NHS commissioned early intervention and preventative service and is BACP accredited.

Kooth provides immediate access to mental health support 365 days a year. Kooth can be used to provide instant access to mental support, reduce demands on waiting lists, or be incorporated into a care pathway or step-down support.

Kooth has no waiting lists and is a self-referral service.

Kooth provides:

  • Free online counselling and therapeutic messaging support.

  • Peer-led support as a safe and friendly online community.

  • Self-help and wellbeing tools.

 To access free mental health support visit


Safeguarding briefing: Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day 2022 will be celebrated on Tuesday 8th February 2022 with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.

From gaming and chat, to streaming and video, young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of. Safer Internet Day 2022 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that is whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers.

The UK Safer Internet Centre website has a wide-range of resources to help promote the day and its aims. Find out more here:

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